Welcome to my little site on the internet. This site is an attempt to restart something I had done years ago; documenting things I find useful, interesting, or fun. Quite some time ago, I started blogging about my experiences and experiments in amateur radio. Over time, I put the hobby aside as life got in the way. I had wrongly assumed that no one else found the information interesting, so I killed the site. After some time, I had several people track me down and ask if I had kept any of the things I had documented, as they found it very useful. Unfortunately, I had assumed that the stuff I was writing was of no use to anyone but me, and I had deleted the content.
I kept intending to restart the blog and maybe add some social media to it but never got around to it, until now. So, that’s why this blog is here. This site will pretty much cover my random interests. You can expect most of the content to fall into a handful of different categories.
- All things computers! I am an IT guy with 30 years of experience, and always looking for something new to learn.
- Motorcycles!!! I love motorcycles! I love pretty much anything mechanical, but motorcycles are my happy place.
- 3D Printing and CNC. I’ve been 3D printing for a bit. Mostly other people’s designs but I have a few of my own.
- Home automation and hobby electronics. I have some of my home automated in Home Assistant, with even a few custom-built parts.
- Amateur radio. Slowly getting back into the hobby. I am an Extra class ham, who is a bit rusty.
If anything of these things interests you, then check back in from time to time, or follow me on the socials. Links are somewhere on this site. :)